Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues.
Jill and Kurt Schneider, Community GroundWorks
Jill and Kurt Schneider have volunteered at Community GroundWorks, for 12 years. Community GroundWorks is a nonprofit organization that connects people to nature and local food, and is dedicated to developing, managing and stewarding Troy Gardens. In 2005 Kurt and Jill Schneider formed a volunteer group to manage Troy Community Garden, an organic farm, and restored prairie and woodlands, and became coordinator and equipment manager, respectively. After successfully passing on these duties, they have continued to garden together and go above and beyond to ensure the garden is a beautiful space.
To learn more about Community GroundWorks or to volunteer, visit www.communitygroundworks.org or call 608-240-0409.
Edith Trubeck Sullivan, Disability Rights Wisconsin
Edith Trubeck Sullivan is a volunteer attorney for Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW), a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities across Wisconsin gain access to services and opportunity through its advocacy and legal expertise. She reviews denied social security claims to determine how DRW’s clients can get the care they need. Sullivan’s work requires detailed review of records and an understanding of complex eligibility standards, but it’s all worth it because successfully overturning a denial can be life-saving for DRW’s clients.
To learn more about Disability Rights Wisconsin or to volunteer, visit www.disabilityrightswi.org or call 608-267-0214.
Welcome to the Madison Commons, a website designed to provide news and information about all of Madison's neighborhoods and a crossroads for the discussion of community issues. The name comes from the idea of a village commons, a place for news, talk, debate, and some entertainment, too, that's open to everyone.
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