Community Shares' July heroes foster inclusion, provide tutoring

Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues. 

DJ Johnstone, Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools (GSAFE)DJ Johnstone (Photo by John Urban)DJ Johnstone (Photo by John Urban)

DJ Johnstone is the lead cook for Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools', or GSAFE’s, Leadership Training Institute for youth leaders. DJ offers each student individual attention and “life-changing” pizza. DJ’s commitment to volunteering goes beyond her work in the kitchen. Whether it’s doing mailings or heavy lifting, DJ is often there when GSAFE needs volunteers.

For more information about GSAFE or to volunteer, visit or call 608-661-4141.


Katherine Peterson (Courtesy photo)Katherine Peterson (Courtesy photo)Katherine Peterson, Nuestro Mundo, Inc.

Through her weekly volunteer work at Nuestro Mundo Inc., Katherine Peterson has dedicated herself to closing the achievement gap in Madison—and at Nuestro Mundo Community School. Her strengths-based tutoring helps students feel accepted and appreciated, and Katherine’s warmth and encouragement has fostered meaningful relationships with many of the students who struggle most. 

For more information about Nuestro Munco Inc, or to volunteer, visit or call 608.279.1568.