Community Shares' June Heroes take on myriad tasks, help teens find jobs

Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues.  

Shelley Lagally (photo: John UrbanShelley Lagally (photo: John UrbanShelley Lagally, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters

Shelley Lagally joined Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters in 2008 and has been an outstanding member and volunteer ever since. She's participated in listening sessions; made phone calls inviting members to special events; volunteered at fundraisers, like the Election Cycle Bike Ride; and helped with numerous mailings - even with a broken wrist!

For more information about Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, or to volunteer, visit or call 608.661.0845.


Sean O'Herrin (photo: Kimberly Anderson/KJ Photos)Sean O'Herrin (photo: Kimberly Anderson/KJ Photos)Sean O’Herrin, Common Wealth

Sean O’Herrin has been a dedicated volunteer with Common Wealth’s Youth Programs for two years, regularly conducting mock interviews with teens wanting to improve job prospects. Sean’s encouragement and expertise have helped many teens refine their interviewing skills and boost their confidence--and Common Wealth’s staff members are grateful for his commitment to our community’s teens.

For more information about Common Wealth, or to volunteer, visit or call 608.256.3527.