Community Shares' October heroes work to prevent rape, domestic violence

Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues. 

Callen Harty, Rape Crisis Center, OutReach, Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Local playwright and activist Callen Harty worked with CSW member nonprofits Outreach, RapeCullen Harty (Courtesy photoCullen Harty (Courtesy photo Crisis Center, and Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault—along with other groups and individuals—to increase awareness about child sexual abuse. Callen organized the very successful "Paths to Healing"conference—and he illustrated the great power that results when dedicated volunteers work with CSW's committed nonprofit groups.

For more information about Rape Crisis Center, OutReach, or End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, visit,, and


Jessica Francar (Photo by John Urban)Jessica Francar (Photo by John Urban)Jessica Francar, UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence
Jessica Francar is a young bilingual volunteer who helps out regularly at UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence. An undergrad student in the UW School of Social Work, Jessica offers UNIDOS technical assistance and coordinates events. More important, she works with children who are witnesses or victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

For more information about UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence or to volunteer, visit or call 608.256.9195.