Event celebrated the intersection of art and agriculture

By 5:30 p.m. the parking lot at 2045 Atwood Ave. parking lot was full.  Madison residents of all ages packed into Forward Community Investments’ (FCI) headquarters for a culinary and visual feast.

The FCI event on April 17, called Articulture, showcased the intersection of food and art. Many chefs consider their culinary creations to be art. Carefully selected ingredients meld to produce a specific taste and expertly designed presentation turns a food dish into a masterpiece.   

More than 20 restaurants and 14 artists from around southern Wisconsin participated in Articulture to celebrate the visual and community-building aspects of sustainable agriculture.

The Articulture event is not the only support FCI dedicates to sustainable agriculture.  Recently, FCI started the Sustainable Agriculture Loan Program to finance organizations dedicated to sustainable agriculture.  This is one of several FCI programs dedicated to community development.  The leader of FCI’s new loan program is Vice President of Lending Services Will Hughes.

According to Hughes, FCI organized Articulture because “there is so much interest and activity surrounding food and agriculture and we wanted to celebrate that.”