July Backyard Heroes support non-profits, wetlands

Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues.

Lorie Zantow (Courtesy photo)Lorie Zantow (Courtesy photo)Lorie Zantow, Wisconsin Literacy
Lorie Zantow works full time for an area accounting firm, but she still manages to give several hours weekly to the accounting and financial needs of Wisconsin Literacy, where she has been Board Treasurer since 2008. Lorie has mentored the executive director in refinining accounting practices, and is always open to learning more about working with nonprofit groups.

For more information about Wisconsin Literacy or to volunteer, visit www.wisconsinliteracy.org or call 608.257.1655.


Penny and Gary Shackelford, Wisconsin Wetlands AssociationPenny and Gary Shackelford (Photo by John Urban)Penny and Gary Shackelford (Photo by John Urban) 
Penny Shackelford has served on Wisconsin Wetland Association's board for nearly 5 years. In addition to her diligent oversight of WWA's finances as Treasurer, Penny dedicates much of her personal time to WWA's mission. She and her husband, Gary, promote and advocate for wetlands in their community, and set an example for private landowners by restoring wetlands on their own property.

For more information about Wisconsin Wetlands Association or to volunteer, visit www.wisconsinwetlands.org or call 608.250.9971.