Madison Media Digest: Same-sex marriage, Development, Education

Between officiating same-sex marriages, laying out development projects and keeping an eye on schools at the end of the year, Madison is starting the summer off with a flurry of activity.

Law & Order

When a judge struck down Wisconsin’s ban on same-sex marriage, the Dane County Clerk’s Office was ready, anticipating a marriage rush as couples took advantage of the decision. According to one couple, their hastily-organized marriage was an oddly emotional and bureaucratic experience, but it was rewarding all the same. The Madison Police Department also got involved, delivering cake to newlywed couples outside the Capitol - an act that went viral through social media. Despite the confusion and uncertainty following the decision, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Office of Vital Records began processing marriage certificates on Wednesday. Isthmus shared a historical perspective on gay marriage in Wisconsin as well as highlighting a social justice group that is helping gay couples pay for marriage licenses. On Friday, Judge Barbara Crabb ordered a halt to same-sex marriages, while her decision is appealed. 


With construction equipment and torn-up streets criss-crossing the city, the Cap Times takes a look at how Madison locals are changing their commute. Even pedestrian routes are being reevaluated, and Madison Engineering Division is proposing a project that would improve the Capital City bike path, separating pedestrians and cyclists for safer and easier travel.

Development continues with the controversial new Judge Doyle Square hotel plan. Grassroots coalition Citizens Against Subsidized Hotels (CA$H), is still fighting the subsidized development of the hotel, shifting their strategy towards a district-based campaign instead of a petition. Other downtown groups like Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. are looking at rewriting Madison’s landmarks ordinance in order to clarify for more productive collaboration between developers and concerned residents.


David Blaska blogs that Kaleem Caire will renew efforts to bring a charter school to Madison.

Capital City Hues interviews Jennifer Cheatham. The publication also focused on graduation throughout its most recent issue, featuring profiles from new UW-Madison, Madison College and Edgewood graduates.