Many take on the challenge of Madison's Ironman

As the sun rose over Lake Monona on Sunday, thousands of athletes plunged into the water to take on the grueling challenges of Madison’s annual IronMan triathlon.

The morning was cool, and a crisp breeze pushed through Monona Terrace as the triathletes began the first leg of the IronMan: a chilly 2.4-mile swim.

The race began at 7:00 a.m. and continued through the day, with a total time limit of 17 hours. The swimming portion of the race was followed by a 112-mile bike race and a 26.2-mile run. In order to successfully finish the IronMan triathlon, athletes typically train for a year or more, and many competitors travel from state to state, performing in multiple races.

Maik Twelsiak won the men’s title on Sunday, while Verona's Jackie Arendt took the women’s title during Madison's 2013 IronMan triathlon.