March's Backyard Heroes support cyclists, fundraise for REAP

Community Shares, a partner of Madison Commons, recognizes two volunteers each month. The volunteers come from Community Shares' member groups and are selected for their service to the community and to community issues. Richard Castelnuovo (Courtesy photo)Richard Castelnuovo (Courtesy photo)

Richard Castelnuovo, Wheels for Winners

Richard Castelnuovo has volunteered as a bike mechanic for Wheels for Winners since 2005 and more recently took on additional responsibility as the organization’s Secretary-Treasurer. In this role, Richard has been instrumental in writing grants and fundraising for Wheels. His leadership has also generated renewed energy and enthusiasm among other Wheels for Winners board members.

For more information about Wheels for Winners or to volunteer, visit  or call 608.249.2418.



Katie Strain and Joey Wedel (Courtesy photo)Katie Strain and Joey Wedel (Courtesy photo)Katie Strain and Joey Wedel, REAP Food Group

Katie Strain and Joey Wedel went above and beyond for REAP by collecting pledges for REAP’s Farm to School program as they hiked the entire length of the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine. Throughout their six-month journey they shared information about Farm to School and collected pledges from family, friends, and supporters across the country.

For more information about REAP Food Group or to volunteer, visit or call 608.310.7836.