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More than 100 changes to landlord-tenant laws have made a big difference to Madison renters.
Education is the starting point for the high-demand field of nursing. Madison Teachers Inc. had a request for union voting records denied by the state Supreme Court. The Rape Crisis Center has 16 students to help them map out community steps they can take to stop sexual violence.
In hot Madison neighborhoods like Olbrich Park, it’s a sellers’ market where buyers can have 15 minutes to make a decision on a new home. Wisconsin Workforce Development will help employees transition after new company bought two pharmacy locations and a health care supply business. Wal-Mart won’t be donating the now-empty Sam’s Club to the Dane County Boys and Girls Club, but the chapter president isn’t giving up yet.
A Madison man made his big debut on “Jeopardy!” Monday night. By happenstance, a Dane County woman was near a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon and rushed to help. To do a better job of responding to people with mental illness, police have trained in new methods.
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