United Way of Dane County poised to begin new giving initiative


(Entrance to the Duck Pond/Courtesy of Channel3000)(Entrance to the Duck Pond/Courtesy of Channel3000) 

United Way of Dane County will begin its 2017 fundraising campaign on Aug. 22 when it hosts a kickoff event at the Madison Mallards’ Duck Pond.

The late-summer event will be the first of the organization’s “Season of Caring” initiative, and the nonprofit is hoping to bring together more than 500 volunteers at Warner Park, according to a United Way of Dane County statement.

The event will also serve as a platform for United Way of Dane County and CUNA Mutual Group — a company that works with individuals to plan their financial futures, regardless of their present financial standing — to announce plans of helping people in the areas of education, financial planing and health.

“One in eight people live in poverty in Dane County, which is a startling number that very few people are aware of,” United Way of Dane County CEO and President Renee Moe said. “Focusing on poverty means addressing education, financial stability and health – the things that will make our economy stronger, neighborhoods safer and community more successful.”

This commitment to helping community members was echoed by CUNA Mutual Group CEO and President Bob Trunzo.

“CUNA Mutual Group is dedicated to helping people achieve financial security,” he said. ”That’s why together with United Way we’re asking you to join the fight for the education, financial stability and health of everyone in Dane County, and to give back to our community in any way you can.”

The kickoff event will begin at 4 p.m. on Aug. 22.