Common Ground with… Curtrel Robinson

Common Ground with… Curtrel Robinson

Elementary through high school are some of the most influential years of a person’s life. These are defining years that help shape who we are as people, our outlook on the world and what to do with our lives.Kids playing basketball

Curtrel Robinson is directly involved in Verona’s education system. At Badger Ridge Middle School, Robinson is in charge of restorative practices and student engagement, as well as being an associate athletic director. He is also the boys’ varsity basketball coach for Verona Area High School. As he gets more ingrained into Verona and its community, he is striving to help create an inclusive sense of community.

What do you think is the biggest challenge our community faces?

I think right now I’m learning how big Verona really is. There are different pockets of communities. I think one of the biggest issues is making sure those communities that aren’t necessarily right there in Verona (like those around Fitchburg, Allied Drive and King James Way) are still connected to the community as a whole. These communities have grown a lot and there isn’t always the greatest equity support when it comes to other minority student bodies and cultures.

What do you wish people in our community understood better?

From what I gather, I feel like everyone understands the growth the community is going through and the direction Verona is moving in. Development is growing really fast. And as educators they understand the equitable pieces that need to be continued to build off of so that those communities that aren’t directly connected into Verona can feel seen, heard, valued and a part of our community.

What is one change you would make if you could that would make life better for people in our community?

The sense of community. A lot of what I do is try to create positive experiences and new expansions. Through my coaching hopefully getting a chance to reach more people that way and connecting the community in that way. So just changing that sense of community to having the support for what’s best for the community and what’s best for Verona.

What in our community gives you hope?

Our leadership teams. Just based off of my career, working at Badger Ridge, I feel like these people understand the issues that have been in Verona over the years. These leaders have a sense that it’s all about the students and making their experience the best that we can and advocating for them so we can continue to grow that way.


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