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Madison public schools are considering a micro school for troubled and violent students.
High school students got national attention for their 50-mile hike from Madison to Rep. Paul Ryan’s office in support of legislation to keep schools safe from gun violence. Elementary and middle school students can explore the world around them at the Science Expo and Engineering Expo this weekend.
Plans are changing for the MATC Downtown Campus development. An office building that would have retail space and groceries has been scrapped for more hotel space. A vacant dorm building on Langdon is set to be demolished. Madison companies may be competing for contracts to develop a $10 billion flat screen TV plant in Racine. A Madison firm was selected as the architect of a large education facility in China.
Dane County voters set a record for in-person absentee votes for a spring election. If you weren’t one of them, vote at the polls April 3. Youths got a chance to see how video games are developed at a workshop sponsored by the city to show children of color career opportunities. The woman who forged Madison’s first sister city in Africa looking to expand the program, and she will host the inaugural “Celebrate Madison’s Sister Cities” event April 14.