Hospitals overcrowded with COVID, but Sen. Ron Johnson says it's just like flu, Drake Bentley, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Oct. 9.
Temporary booster vaccination clinic opening Tuesday at Alliant Energy Center, Jeff Richgels, Wisconsin State Journal, October 7.
Madison School District sees dozens of new COVID-19 cases and quarantines in past week, Elizabeth Beyer, WSJ, October 7.
Public Health extends indoor mask mandate to prevent COVID-19 spread, Abigail Becker, Capital Times, October 4.
Madison and Dane County
Digital inclusion task force recommends Madison coordinate existing resources, Abigail Becker, CT, October 7.
Mayor's $358.6 million budget taps federal funds, adds police and firefighters, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, October 6; Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway's 2022 budget expands services for town annexation, Abigail Becker, CT, October 5.
Dane Count narrows in on new voting district map, Abigail Becker, CT, October 6.
Dane County says it can't afford scaled-back Alliant Energy Center proposals, Emily Hamer, WSJ, October 6.
A tiny Madison nonprofit hopes to bring Afghan refugees to safety, Gayle Worland, WSJ, October 10.
Madison, partners received $2.5 million grant to address youth homelessness, Logan Wroge, WSJ, October 7.
Spanish teacher allowed to each virtually at West High following student walkouts, Scott Girard, CT, October 8; West High students protest treatment of teacher who sought COVID accommodations, Elizabeth Beyer, WSJ, October 7.
East parents sue Madison School District for release of documents on hidden camera investigation, Ed Treleven, WSJ, October 7.
What is the contact tracing, quarantine learning process in Madison schools? Scott Girard, CT, October 4.
Higher Education
For first time, less than half of UW-Madison's freshman class hails from Wisconsin, Kelly Meyerhofer, WSJ, October 9.
UW says counselors won't be exclusively for students of color, conservative group eyes suit, Associated Press, October 6.
UW-Madison professors apologize for Jewish holiday scheduling conflict, Kelly Meyerhofer, WSJ, October 5.
'Something has to be done': Living along Madison's Starkweather Creek, one of Wisconsin's most polluted waterways, Isaac Wasserman, Wisconsin Watch, October 7.
Rooftop solar could meet 2/3 of Wisconsin's electricity needs, Chris Hubbuch, WSJ, October 7.
Olbrich Botanical Gardens announces new director, Molly DeVore, WSJ, October 6.
Leaders of 5 Great Lakes states agree to cooperate on electric vehicle infrastructure, Dan Carden for WSJ, October 6.
Bird Collision Corps documents urban environment's toll on migratory birds, Chris Hubbuch, WSJ, October 5.
Reversing policy board decision, DNR sets wolf hunt quote at 130, Chris Hubbuch, WSJ, October 5.
SSM fully reverses plan to end midwifery program, Natalie Yahr, CT, October 7; Midwife program at St. Mary's to remain until new model in place, Dave Wahlberg, WSJ, October 7; Patients and midwives react as SSM Health ends midwifery program, Natalie Yahr, CT, October 5.
Food and Sustainability
Cool Beans gives way to Mercies Coffee and a woman with a mission, Samara Kalk Derby, WSJ, October 6.
Arts and Culture
Free virtual conference to highlight Wisconsin's Latino artists, Natalie Yahr, CT, October 7.
Aberration or pattern? Several factors at play in 6 deaths on East Washington Avenue, Logan Wroge, WSJ, October 4.
Development and Housing
Madison's tent city, Joe Tarr, Isthmus, October 8; City Council OKs buying building near East Towne for homeless men's shelter, Logan Wroge, WSJ, October 6.
Madison poised to deliver $5.9 million for three low-cost housing projects, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, October 8.
Downtown redevelopment becomes boon for East Side neighborhood, Barry Adams, WSJ, October 8.
Developer seeks to raze 8 Downtown buildings for $50 million, 12-story housing project, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, October 6.
Behind the Republicans' know-nothing schools agenda, Ruth Coniff, Isthmus, October 10.
The meaning of the new maps, Dave Cieslewicz, Isthmus, October 9.
To see how government should work, look to Dane County, Paul Fanlund, CT, October 8.
Politics and Voting
Madison Mayor: Wisconsin election probe 'corrosive to our democracy,' Jesse Opoien and Abigail Becker, CT, October 8.
Gableman compares Milwaukee newspaper to Nazi propagandist, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, October 8; Former Trump official's involvement raises concern over Republican election audit; judge orders Vos to turn over records, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, October 9; Gableman reverses course on subpoenas, interviews for election investigation, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, October 8; Gableman subpoenas Wisconsin mayors, Associated Press, October 7.
Wisconsin Legislature to take up redistricting in November, Scott Bauer, Associated Press, October 7.
Scott Walker's son joins Rebecca Kleefisch's gubernatorial campaign, Associated Press, October 5.
Democratic state Sen. Lena Taylor announces bid for lieutenant governor, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, October 5.
Legislature hears testimony on controversial Republican abortion-related legislation, Riley Vetterkind, WSJ, October 7.
Republicans propose 'transforming' Wisconsin unemployment system into 're-employment' program, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, October 7.
Dane and Surrounding Counties
Circus World gets $500k grant to restore historical Ringlingville office in Baraboo, Susan Endres for WSJ, October 7.
Sun Prairie considers changing school board makeup to reflect attendance areas, Scott Girard, CT, October 3.
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