In an effort to fight against identity theft, WISC-TV, the Better Business Bureau, and McFarland State Bank have partnered to help Madison residents shred documents that contain confidential information.

To help identify what documents need shredding, the BBB released a checklist of what types of information lead to identity theft, which includes social security numbers, birthdates, PIN numbers or passwords, banking documents and other financial information, leases, contracts or letters that include signatures, pre-approved credit card applications, medical or dental bills, travel itineraries and used airline tickets.
Only paper products can be shredded. Madison residents are limited to three small boxes, or 50 pounds of paper. Rubber bands, staples and paper clips do not need to be removed. Residents are not allowed to shred three-ring binders, hanging file folders, credit cards, plastics, media items, photos or other non-paper products.
Shredfest will be held at various locations throughout the Spring and Summer, starting on April 21, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at McFarland State Bank on Highway 51. On April 28, Shredfest moves to Warner Park (2930 N. Sherman Ave.) in Madison, and will take place from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.
For more information call 608-271-432, and to view other dates and locations, click here.