Top Stories
Happy Fourth of July! And (we can't help ourselves) the Bucks reach the NBA Finals for the first time since 1974.
Madison and Dane County
Madison City Council member seeks to end homeless encampment at Reindahl Park, Dean Mosiman, Wisconsin State Journal, July 3.
Juneteenth, day after Thanksgiving may become paid days off in Madison, Molly DeVore, WSJ, July 3.
Dane County Jail project delayed again, could get redesigned due to 'skyrocketing' costs, Emily Hamer, WSJ, July 1.
Two candidates running for vacant Dane County Board seat, Abigail Becker, Capital Times, June 29.
Safety and Policing: As gunshots continue, Madison, Dane County relaunch Violence Prevention Coalition, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, July 1; Conservative law firm sues to overturn racial quotas for Madison police oversight board, Chris Rickert, WSJ, July 1; Madison sued over police civilian oversight board membership, Abigail Becker, CT, June 30; Some South Madison police to patrol at night with squad lights on, Chris Rickert, WSJ, June 30.
Delta variant of coronavirus not yet 'prevalent' in Dane County, Abigail Becker, CT, June 29.
SSM Health to require COVID-19 vaccination by September, David Wahlberg, WSJ, June 29.
COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin prisons drop to zero for first time since pandemic hit, Emily Hamer, WSJ, June 29.
Tauri Robinson wants Madison to 'listen to the youth', Scott Girard, CT, June 28.
MMSD Budget: Madison School District would see 13% decrease in state aid under GOP budget, Elizabeth Beyer, WSJ, July 2; Madison School Board approves 2021-22 preliminary budget, now awaits state budget, Scott Girard, CT, June 28; La Follette, Capital high schools join fundraising push to add to referendum projects, Scott Girard, CT, June 28.
One year after Madison School Board ended police contract, MMSD focuses on 'proactive' safety practices, Scott Girard, CT, July 1.
Independent Madison charter school sued by former landlord, Chris Rickert, WSJ, June 29.
Higher Education
Wisconsin Idea Grant helps create Center for DREAMers at UW, Amanda Quintana, Channel3000, July 2.
UW to study experimental drug for Alzheimer's in people without symptoms, David Wahlberg, WSJ, June 29.
Recent rain has Dane County moving in 'right direction'; moderate drought remains, Abigail Becker, CT, June 29.
Dane County Parks Director Darren Marsh to retire after 28 years, Abigail Becker, CT, June 28.
Citizen scientists power nation's oldest frog and toad survey, Chris Hubbuch, WSJ, June 27.
Medical debt collection harms patient finances, reports say, David Wahlberg, WSJ, July 3.
Food and Sustainability
The Boneyard preps for opening: Madison's first off-leash dog park/beer bar, Linda Falkenstein, Isthmus, June 29.
Madison continues efforts to curb dangerous driving on East Washington Avenue, Abigail Becker, CT, July 3; Residents, officials sound alarm as death toll climbs from E. Washington Avenue crashes, Naomi Kowles, Channel3000, July 2.
Downtown businesses intensify opposition to BRT, large stations on State Street, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, July 3.
Arts and Culture
Isthmus hires Jason Joyce as publisher, Isthmus, July 2.
Bookstores: Plot twist: How Madison's bookstores surveyed the pandemic and emerged stronger than ever; For owners of new Kismet Books in Verona, books were their destiny; Dane County's only Black-owned bookstore may be Itty Bitty, but it's growing fast; Natalie Yahr, CT, June 30; Combination bookstore, bar, cafe about to open on Regent Street, Samara Kalk Derby, WSJ, June 30.
How Madison Radicals' Sterling Knoche went from Madison West 'sports star' to ultimate frisbee pro, Brett A. Sommers, WSJ, July 3.
Six new stores opening at West Towne, more to follow, Molly DeVore, WSJ, July 3.
FluGen gets $11.4 million grant for study of experimental flu vaccine, David Wahlberg, WSJ, July 1.
At Petphoria, Grace Wang and Beni make dog treats a rewarding business, Natalie Yahr, CT, June 26.
Development and Housing
MadisonTIF district closure will deliver $30 million windfall, Dean Mosiman, WSJ, June 28.
Politics and Voting
Democratic U.S. Senate candidates show differing approaches on health care, student debt, Riley Vetterkind, WSJ, June 30.
Joe Biden visits La Crosse to sell $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, Olivia Herken, La Crosse Tribune, June 29.
Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses lawsuit against ballot boxes, Elizabeth Beyer and Riley Vetterkind, WSJ, June 26.
Broadband task force says more money, better data needed to increase internet access, Chris Hubbuch, WSJ, July 1.
State Budget: Tony Evers vetoes GOP bill seeking to end federal unemployment benefits in Wisconsin; Wisconsin Assembly passes $87.5 billion spending plan with more than $3 billion in tax cuts, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ; What Democrats want versus what Republicans got in the budget, Melanie Conklin, Wisconsin Examiner, June 30; State Budget plus Wisconsin GOP convention debrief, Carousel Bayrd, "A Public Affair," WORT, June 29.
Wisconsin birth certificates to include new gender-neutral identification option for parents, Mitchell Schmidt, WSJ, June 29.
Dane and Surrounding Counties
Painters scramble to fix tall typo on Plover water tower, AP, July 3.
Abandoned in Janesville: Workers feel left behind, Erik Gunn, Wisconsin Examiner, July 1.
Suit filed to stop snowmobile trail at Blue Mound State Park, Chris Rickert, WSJ, June 29.
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